Comments on: I smell propaganda Just another WordPress site Sat, 11 Oct 2008 07:32:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Sat, 11 Oct 2008 07:32:56 +0000 Dear “Anonymous”, I think that surely you are the pointlessly aggressive one here…and the fact that you don’t take responsibility for your actions/words by not giving your name or/and email makes me think that you are just looking to insult for no reason, which makes you a […]

The fact that cdman thinks that some parts of rhetoric are just to “trick the masses”, regardless of their origin, doesn’t mean that he disagrees with the content of the message. For example we don’t call propaganda spreading christianity or democracy, but we have to admit that it’s done trough similar, if not the same, means. Plus, in my opinion, there aren’t lots of “objective” (if none) points of view on anything, thus we can say that almost anything that implicates convincing a large number of people could be called propaganda.

The fact that the post didn’t got “moderated” is just that people like you can realize to shut up once in a while. Or just say something worthwhile.

Also, besides the point was if he was a consumerist or not, because he pointed out the mean of communication and not the content of it. And I have a strong feeling that you are a consumerist too…but that is besides the point insn’t it?

By: Anonymous Sat, 27 Sep 2008 11:13:54 +0000 so… what’s your point? Propaganda or not its still a form of communication. “Know the evil and apply it to good”. But let me guess… you’re a consumerist… like the rest of them. Fucking douchebag.

go on… moderate my comment…

By: Cd-MaN Sat, 27 Sep 2008 06:24:49 +0000 Propaganda for their ideas. The definition of propaganda doesn’t say that it only applies to certain types of ideas (“bad”, “unethical”, etc). The qualities of the idea are beside the point, as long as it tries to convince people using subjective methods.

By: Anonymous Sat, 20 Sep 2008 12:07:45 +0000 Now really…propaganda for what?

By: Anonymous Mon, 14 Jul 2008 05:31:22 +0000 Yeah, I watched that video some time ago. They took a few granules of truth and built a house of turds with them.
