Author: gpanther

  • Converting datetime to UTC in python

    So you need to convert a python datetime object which has a timezone set (“aware” in the Python nomenclature) to an UTC one with no timezone set (“naive”), for example because NDB on GAE can’t store anything else. The solution will look something like this: date = date.astimezone(tz.tzutc()).replace(tzinfo=None) For searcheability: the exception thrown by NDB…

  • Recovering your RoTLD password for domains registered trough Gandi.NET

    If you need to “recover” your RoTLD password when the .RO domain is registered trough Gandi.NET (I say “recover” because you didn’t set it in the first place :-)) – do this: In the Gandi interface go to Account Management -> Update account information and set “Anti-spam system” to No Go to the RoTLD password…

  • Free software for Windows

    Inspired by this post I decided to list the software I use/recommend under Windows. Free/Libre Open Source Software: LibreOffice (for of OpenOffice) – a very capable office solution. Most people don’t need anything more than this. If you are installing it for a non-technical user, make sure to set the default file formats to the…

  • What every programmer should know about X

    Piggybacking on some memes floating around on the internet I would like to publish my list of “what every programmer should know”. A couple of introductory words: in my opinion the two most important things to learn for new programmers are terminology – to know what things / ideas / algorithms / concepts are called…

  • Ensuring the order of execution for tasks

    Ensuring the order of execution for tasks

    This post was originally published as part of the Java Advent series. If you like it, please spread the word by sharing, tweeting, FB, G+ and so on! Want to write for the Java Advent blog? We are looking for contributors to fill all 24 slot and would love to have your contribution! Contact Attila…

  • Java Runtime options

    This post was originally published as part of the Java Advent series. If you like it, please spread the word by sharing, tweeting, FB, G+ and so on! Want to write for the Java Advent blog? We are looking for contributors to fill all 24 slot and would love to have your contribution! Contact Attila…

  • Changes to String.substring in Java 7

    Changes to String.substring in Java 7

    This post was originally published as part of the Java Advent series. If you like it, please spread the word by sharing, tweeting, FB, G+ and so on! Want to write for the Java Advent blog? We are looking for contributors to fill all 24 slot and would love to have your contribution! Contact Attila…

  • (Re)Start me up!

    This post was originally published as part of the Java Advent series. There are cases where you would like to start a Java process identical to the current one (or at least using the the same JVM with tweaked parameters). Some concrete cases where this would be useful: Auto-tuning the maximum memory parameters (ie. you…

  • Upgrading from MySQL to MariaDB on Ubuntu

    So you decided that Oracle doesn’t know its left foot from the back of his neck when it comes to open source (how’s that for a mixed metaphor), but you are not ready just yet to migrate over to PostgreSQL? Consider MariaDB. Coming from Monty Widenius, the original author of MySQL, it aims to be…

  • Cluj-Napoca (Romania) wins the title of European Youth Capital 2015

    Cluj-Napoca (Romania) wins the title of European Youth Capital 2015

    We interrupt our regular (lack of) posting to bring you this news: Cluj-Napoca is European Youth Capital 2015. Congratulation to everyone involved!