The productive worker
This presentation seems to have popped-up on a lot of blogs lately (some may even say that it’s a successful meme): | View | Upload your own While it sounds very nice and has that "everybody should do it this way!" ring to it, there are many problems a company must overcome even to get…
Internet Explorer + Frames = Headache
So lets say you have the following HTML snippet: <html> <frameset rows="20,*" border="0" frameborder="no"> <frame name="menu" src="menu_frame.html" scrolling="no" noresize="1"> <frame name="work_frame" src=""> </frameset> </html> First of all you would say: but frames are so 1998! And you would be right. Frames are outmoded, deprecated and a usability nightmare (because you can’t bookmark the exact state…
Small Qemu tips
It’s official: Ubuntu has the best documentation out there. There is almost no problem for it you can’t fix by typing "Ubuntu [description of the problem]" or "Ubuntu [error message]" in your favorite search engine. For example, here you can find a very exhaustive documentation on installing Qemu and Kqemu (the Kqemu part is the…
Windows XP High-Security Configuration
Update: I found out that SRP has some rather nasty limitations (including the ability to circumvent it even as a limited user) which makes much less effective than I initially thought. I still thing it is very useful, but please read the linked article and make your own judgement call. As I mentioned in a…
Reading the fineprint in the documentation
Following the DokuWiki development mailing list, I saw the following changelog: Sun Apr 6 19:47:18 CEST 2008 Andreas Gohr * work around strftime character limit on parsing namespace templates FS#1366 I checked on the PHP documentation page (by the way, a quick tip: you can access the documentation for a given PHP function by appending…
Distributed version control systems – why?
Some time ago I finally had time to read the Subversion book and felt that all my questions were answered. I tried SVN many years back and failed miserably, but now I’m confident in my ability to use, install and maintain SVN. However there seems to be a new buzz about distributed versioning systems (like…
A small warning about ptkdb
ptkdb is a GUI debugger (as opposed to the default console-based one) for Perl using the Tk toolkit for its windows. As far as I know it is one of the most advanced ones, discounting debuggers built into IDEs. An other advantage of it is its availability for many platforms (including Windows), including sources like…
To moderate or not to moderate
Recently I watched a WordCamp Dallas presentation entitled 45 Ways to Power Up Your Blog. One of the thing I liked was the remark that you don’t need to be focused sharply on one domain to have a successful blog. While my blog is first and foremost for venting and my no means do I…
Circumventing the need for transactions in MySQL
While reading the excellent series on "Web 2.0" and databases on the O’Reilly radar blog it occurred to me that there is a nice trick with MySQL for making it semi-transactional (as a side-note: these days I have work with MySQL less and less and am fully enjoying the goodness that is PostgreSQL and pgAdmin).…
How efficient are non-standard configurations in combating the malware problem?
Very. Thank you for reading this article, hope to see you soon. Just kidding :-), you won’t get off this easy. You’ll have to read my ramblings about the topic. It isn’t a new idea to model the malware problem using methods borrowed from the field of the biology, more specifically the study of diseases…