Category: Blogger

  • Grokking OpenID and Blogger

    I just created my first OpenID account! If you don’t know what OpenID, it is a single sign-on solution (sometimes also called login federation), which ensures that you can have a single login name / password using which you can authenticate in may (web-)places. It is similar to the Microsoft Passport initiative, the difference being…

  • Favicon for blogger

    Being inspired by a post over at I added a favicon to my blog. The original image came from MouseRunner. Given the fact that I use FireFox since a long, long time I’m entitled to use this given image :). A word of advice: always check out the license for the image! There are…

  • 100th post & various short stories

    Incredible, isn’t it? This is the 100th post! Also a curious thing: in both October an November I had 39 posts (I didn’t plan it and didn’t observe it until I moved over to the beta Blogger and started tinkering with the customization of my blog). What follows are some small bits of information: A…

  • How to publish a good looking code on Blogger?

    This article is considered obsolete. Please read the followup post. From time to time I would like to publish a post in which I can show code snippets. However the standard <code> or <pre> tags look way too boring. Something with color stands much more out. I was thinking: if I had my own server…