Category: cvs

  • Fixing CVS annotate

    Yes, some of us work on projects started almost a decade ago and as such we use CVS (yes, CVS has many limitations and yes, git is better – for a nice introduction see Randal Schwarz’s video about git), but migrating is not directly justifiable (it would involve: training IT staff to be able to…

  • Comparing CVS revision numbers with Perl

    Update: see a faster version here. However, make sure that you’ve nailed the problem down before starting to optimize. (The profiler is your friend) The code below was only lightly tested and isn’t all that efficient, so use it at your own risk. It returns –1 is the first version is smaller, 1 if it…

  • Checking out CVS and creating patches

    Update: Qemu moved from CVS to SVN. While the CVS repository is (and will be) available for some time, you should look at the new checkout instructions. Lately I started to dive into open-source development, specifically Qemu. Since I’m relatively new, here are some commands I found useful: cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/sources/qemu co qemu – to…