Category: google reader

  • Who feeds me? (with information)

    I received a private request to share the feeds which I read, an I though to do it publicly, since there might be other people interested in it (yeah, right :-p). Also, the least I can do is to post a link back to the authors website. So grab my OPML file or see the…

  • Blogs I’m reading

    I decided to add a blogroll to my sidebar, however a complete list would have been waaaay to long. Also, I didn’t like the idea of exporting the OPML from Google Reader and massaging it into an HTML format, because it would have meant an other thing which needed periodic updates. The solution was to…

  • Google Reader, Javascript and Flash

    I had the idea some time ago to highlight the source code I post via Javascript. I gravitated towards this solution because I don’t have source level control of Blogger (or do I? ;-)). My thought process was the following: include one .js in each post, which will check if the customization was already done…

  • Things I read / listen to – part2

    While going through the motions of checking for new items on Google Reader, I realized that many great blogs / podcasts were left out from the last list I published. For example Casting from the server room which is a (great) podcast similar to In The Trenches (and not surprisingly they are both members of…

  • Economics, protecting the environment and Web 2.0

    What do these things have in common? During the weekend I was at at a conference of economics (weird, isn’t it?) and one of the presenters talked about how we must look at the economics if we want to achieve a given goal, for example protecting the environment. For example currently the computer manufacturing companies…