HIPSs are no fun
As you all probably know by now I don’t have a too high opinion of HIPSs. Here are two more links to prove my point: Ad-Watch Setting Can Kill .LNK and .EXE File Extensions – Could your grandma make this changes? How computer literate must you be to (a) find this solution and (b) apply…
What is HIPS and what isn’t?
I support Microsoft’s attempt to introduce kernel patch protection whole heartedly and I don’t have a too high opinion about HIPSs either, but this interview can only be characterized as: Microsoft trying to say: look, HIPS products can work with KPP Sophos saying: we have HIPS too To make it even clearer: running an executable…
HIPS – just a pretty UI?
Disclaimer: the viewpoints and ideas expressed here an entirely my own and are by no means representative for any institution I am affiliated with. Also I do not want to offend anybody, since I realize that the amount of work it takes to create some of these programs and the wealth of knowledge one must…