Fun post
Via the Ajaxian blog: a Javascript simulation of the Large Hadron Collider. For even more fun check out the webcams of the LHC.
The cheapest laptop evar 🙂
On a lighter note: You can’t get laptops cheaper than this. If it was any cheaper, they would have to pay you to take it 🙂 I saw this while browsing the online catalog of an IT shop (lei being the national currency of Romania). A true Daily WTF moment.
All natural numbers are special
From the department of too-geeky-joke-to-be-funny comes the following one: All natural numbers are special: 0 is special because it is the first natural number 1 is special because it is the neutral element for multiplication 2 is special because it is the first even number 3 is special because it is the first odd prime…