Category: web comic

  • Funny pictures post 🙂

    About DRM (this is floating around the interwebs, I’m not entirely sure about its origin): The second one is from a webcomic (added to my reader :-)) which I discovered via Bruce Schneier’s blog: And finally, for all the programmers out there (found it via The Reinvigorated Programmer’s blog):

  • You go PHD Comics!

    PHD Comics is always great and hilarious (and worth to subscribe to if you are even vaguely related to the academic world – like trough a friend of a friend :-)) but there are those occasions when it is epic, like this one: The media can almost never be trusted to get things right and…

  • Great comics

    From XKCD (so true :-)): From Fifth Wave (I know a couple of people like this ;-)):