youtube – Grey Panthers Savannah Just another WordPress site Thu, 27 Aug 2009 14:43:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 206299117 Youtube gadget generator Thu, 27 Aug 2009 14:43:00 +0000 Some time ago I posted about how the Google Gadget code for Youtube seems to be borked up. Now it seems that they completely removed the option from the YouTube pages, for whatever reason, but the old code still seems functional. So below you can find a small Javascript which generates the equivalent code for a given Youtube user (if you are reading this in an RSS reader, you need to click trough to the post page, since chances are that the reader stripped out the JS for security reasons).

Of course this is an unofficial and unsupported solution, so it might break at any time and without warning!


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Some fun timewasters :-) Fri, 07 Aug 2009 14:01:00 +0000 Found this one via

And the following one is from friends (these are in German, but many of them can be enjoyed even if you don’t know the language):

Some of the highlights from both of the channels:

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Youtube channel embedding being all borked up? Sun, 28 Jun 2009 09:29:00 +0000 Update: Google/YouTube seem to have taken the option to generate gadgets showing all the videos from a given user offline, and as such the script below doesn’t work anymore. As a workaround I’ve posted a small script which generates the old embed code for an user-specified YouTube user.

In a previous post I wanted to embed two youtube channel gadgets, but after pasting the official code, I kept getting the following error message: “The URL is not valid and cannot be loaded.”

After looking into it a little, it seems at one step the following code is generated: <iframe src=”http://?… (the domain is missing). After searching around a little, I came up with the following Perl script which generates (what seems to be) the correct embed code:

use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::Simple;

my $youtubeCN = get(shift @ARGV);
die("Script tag not found!n")
 unless $youtubeCN =~ /&lt;script src=&quot;(.*?)&quot;&gt;/;
my $youtubeScr = $1;
$youtubeScr =~ s/&amp;/&/g;
$youtubeScr =~ s/&amp;/&/g;
my $gmodScr = get($youtubeScr);

$gmodScr =~ s/http://?container/;
print "<script type="text/javascript">$gmodScr</script>n"; 

It needs one parameter, the URL of the youtube channel: perl '' and it will spit out the code you need to insert. Warning! This is an unofficial method and has the drawback that it may break later on when YouTube changes their embed model. You can download the latest version of the script from my SVN repo.

PS: it seems that playing videos with the channel gadget is more permissive than directly on Youtube, in the sense that I didn’t get a single “this can not be played due to age/location restriction” message.

PS2: Does anybody have an idea why do I have to do the replacement twice? When I do it only one, it doesn’t seem to “stick”. 🙁

Update: so I’m an idiot, the URL was double-encoded for some reason…

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Interesting media Fri, 26 Jun 2009 11:31:00 +0000 Short updates from Penn Jillette of Penn & Teller fame on the pennsays YouTube channel. My only grief is that a few videos are unavailable due to “age or location restrictions”, which really seems just an oversight, since the content most probably isn’t published anywhere else (like TV) to warrant such restrictions. I tried to contact them trough the YouTube messaging system about it, but received no response as of now.

An other interesting (to me, and hopefully to you dear reader) YouTube channel is the one of Weird Al Yankovic. Unfortunately here most of the videos are not viewable from Romania, but the ones which are, are still worth it:

Finally a very “chill-outy” song from a fellow blogger:

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The Monty Python YouTube channel Thu, 11 Dec 2008 15:24:00 +0000 Found this via the net@night podcast. Warning! Very funny, it will make you laugh out loud! 🙂

The Monty Python YouTube channel

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Posting high-quality YouTube videos Sun, 12 Oct 2008 07:05:00 +0000 Via George Ou’s blog: How to embed high quality YouTube videos and more. The methods described there are a little cumbersome (except for installing the WordPress plugin – but I’m not using WordPress :-)), so I’ve simplified them a little. You can either paste the embed tag given by Youtube in the text-box below and press the generate button:

Or use the following bookmarklet: HQ YouTube. All you will have to do is to drag the link on your bookmark bar, and when you are on a Youtube page, click it and it will generate the modified embed tag for you.

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Funny YouTube videos Fri, 27 Jul 2007 15:13:00 +0000 Via the ComputerDefense blog:

Intel Video Ad Directed by Christopher Guest #1

And here are some others I’ve found clicking around:

Intel Video Ad Directed by Christopher Guest #2

“Mac or PC” Rap Music Video – Mac vs PC

South Park Mac vs. PC

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