Author: gpanther

  • T2’09 Challenge

    Sorry for being a little late: the T2’09 challenge just started. Via the F-Secure weblog. Don’t be fooled by the fact that page already contains two entries (“Mr. Speed” and “Mr. Style”) in the top. From what I understand, these are to signal that two winners will be selected, one for speed and one for…

  • Careful with that axe^H^H^H static, Eugene!

    An other instance from the “bugs which will bite you” series: public class TestStatic { static class Foo { static Foo instance = new Foo(); static String name = Foo.class.getName(); public Foo() { System.err.println("Hello, my name is " + name); } } public static void main(String[] args) { System.err.println("Your name is what?n" + "Your name…

  • Freakonomics review

    I know, I know, I’m quite late to the game (Freakonomics was first published in 2005), but I still feel that this book deserves a review. What I like about it the most, is the fact that it tries to teach critical thinking, a thing which is lacking these days. The book provides vivid and…

  • Spot the error

    C++ compilers are notorious for giving error messages which point you in the wrong direction. However even simpler languages can have issues. Can you spot the real problem with the java code below? There is a comma missing between the parameters! Nice, ey? (To be fair, on the sidebar Eclipse shows two errors, one of…

  • Perl is everywhere!

    Something which is not appreciated enough IMHO is just how much of the interwebs runs on Perl: for example Frozen Bubble is written in Perl. Also, from some error messages I’ve got the impression Yahoo Pipes uses (is written in?) Perl. And just before you accuse me of being a Perl fanboy (which I am…

  • Youtube gadget generator

    Some time ago I posted about how the Google Gadget code for Youtube seems to be borked up. Now it seems that they completely removed the option from the YouTube pages, for whatever reason, but the old code still seems functional. So below you can find a small Javascript which generates the equivalent code for…

  • Advanced Windows Debugging review

    Until recently I didn’t do kernel debugging, but recently I’ve toyed around with some code which executes before the the process is in a state which is agreeable for user-mode debuggers. So I borrowed this book from one of my friends (thanks D!) and read trough it. To get the bad stuff straight out of…

  • If you can’t access Windows shares…

    A small Windows tip: if your computer is part of a domain and all of the sudden you can’t access resources over the network (like shares, printers, etc), try changing your password. I observed this in several networks, and although I’m not entirely sure about the reason – I suspect that it has something to…

  • delicious/cdman83

    GNS3 Posted: 16 Aug 2009 08:37 AM PDT An open-source CISCO simulator. All you need are some IOS images :-). Via QuirksBlog: When to read out the end time in browser speed tests Posted: 17 Aug 2009 07:00 AM PDT Know what you are measuring. For an other example see: District 9 (2009)…

  • The myth of the cognitive quantum jumps

    Update: see this presentation given by Scott Berkun at Google, which which explains my points much more eloquently. Very often media (and I’m using the word “media” here in its most comprehensive way – including things like blogs, Slashdot, etc) tells us the story of some uber-hyper-mega-cool new-unseen-until-now method of performing X. This leads many…