Author: gpanther

  • A little entertainment

  • Viewing colored output with less

    When an output is filtered through less, the colored characters are transformed to black and white (or whatever your terminal settings are). This is because less, by default, strips away (filters out) escape sequences. These are special sequences which tell the terminal to do something special (like move the cursor, change the color and so…

  • Autorun malware

    There seems to be a lot of confusion out there about this topic, so I’ll try to provide here some high-quality technical information to help users / sysadmins out. What is autorun malware? Autorun malware is malware which uses the autorun feature present in Microsoft Windows as a way to spread itself. This might or…

  • Fun post

    Via the Ajaxian blog: a Javascript simulation of the Large Hadron Collider. For even more fun check out the webcams of the LHC.

  • Sending authenticated mail with Net::SMTP

    As I’ve said earlier, one thing about open source is that you can fix fairly easily. In Perl this is especially easy, since it is turtles all the way down – many of the libraries are written in pure Perl, meaning that you can step through them with the Perl debugger. This helped me recently…

  • Breaking into the debugger programatically with Perl

    In some situations you might wish to programatically stop the execution of a script if a debugger is attached. Some use-case scenarios: You are debugging an area of the code which gets frequently executed (in a loop for example), but you are only interested to see its status under certain conditions You have a central…

  • What you are willing to pay for

    Disclaimer: as always, these are my own opinions, and don’t necessarily reflect the opinions of my past or current employers. To be read with Eminem – Loose Yourself in the background I’ve just finished an intervention at a large company. They had a major virus problem and we were brought in to offer expert advice.…

  • The fallout is upon us!

    Well, almost. I’ve just watched the trailers for Fallout 3 and they look very interesting. I have my doubts with regards of the new combat system (they just had to appeal to the FPS fans, didn’t they? – but the same time it seems that unless you use the tactical mode, you will suffer a…

  • Fun post day – save the mouse! petition

    Every animal deserves the right to good living conditions. Save the mouse! PS. I would have liked to embed the people are strange commercial from Animal Planet, but I couldn’t find it. It’s mind bogging how companies fail to use viral media to their advantage 🙁

  • Blogging from Gnome

    I’ve installed the Gnome Blog widget for some quick blogging, and so here it is – my first quick entry. Some updates: The HTML generated is pretty clean (probably mostly because it doesn’t have a whole lot of formatting features) It misplaced the title 🙁 (instead of making it the title of the post, it…