Author: gpanther

  • Think Vitamin compromised?

    I’m pretty sure I was not hallucinating… Earlier, when I was reading the Developing with Google App Engine, Part I in my RSS reader, I noticed some spammy links at the end of the article (the kind offering free stuff). I visited the original page, and surely, there it was. It all seems to be…

  • Random thoughts and commentary

    Via the Erratasec blog: Race to Zero. From the webpage: The Race to Zero contest is being held during Defcon 16 at the Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas, 8-10 August 2008. The event involves contestants being given a sample set of viruses and malcode to modify and upload through the contest portal. The portal passes…

  • HTTP Redirection with PHP – a complete solution

    The problem: you need a generic code which redirects to the current URL or some URL relative to the current one. One of the reasons you might want to do that is to avoid the possibility of users submitting a POST form multiple times (even though both IE and FF – and I suppose also…

  • Finding the installed files for modules in Perl

    First of all if you want to quickly find out if a Perl module is installed on a system or not, you can do the following: perl -e”use Foo;” If the module is installed, this won’t print out anything, however it it isn’t it should say something like (yes, shame on me, I haven’t upgraded…

  • Configuring PPPoE under Windows XP for transparent operation

    Lately I’ve been on a quest to provide a simple and highly secure configuration for Windows XP. As the last post focused on security, here is a small usability tip: If you are using a PPPoE link (with an ADSL line connected directly to the computer for example), here are three things you can do…

  • Port redirection under Windows

    When you want to forward a port, there are several possibilities from iptables to SSH. However I needed a low-latency link with no encryption or compression (because the protocol running over it was encrypted and double-encryption just slows things down without any substantial benefit in this case). My first idea was to chain two Netcat…

  • You affect all of us

    I finally decided to sit down and write the tutorial about configuring Windows XP in a secure fashion, based on my experiences in the last four years or so. And I emphasize again: these methods worked well for me on several computers and even in "though" scenarios like writing and debugging software. And then I…

  • Setting the CPU speed visually in Ubuntu

    This is a nice little tip from a friend on how to make the your CPU frequency indicator actually work. Some things I discovered in the process: The sticky bit, which, if I understand correctly is an other way for privilege elevation under *NIX (the other two I know of are sudo and su). This…

  • Trees in PostgreSQL

    depesz has written an other of his great articles. There isn’t really much I can add to it, other than it’s very nice and doesn’t use any PostgreSQL specific elements (like arrays), so it can easily be ported to other DB systems which support triggers. Personally I only had to implement tree structures once, and…

  • One letter, big difference

    I was trying to send a mail to the DokuWiki development list for a couple of days with regards to a possible problem in their mailing-code and my mail seemed to go in a black hole. I started to have conspiracy theories: my e-mail address was banned. Yahoo was banned. The end is near. Finally…