Author: gpanther

  • Ethical hacker challenge – Microsoft Office Space: A SQL With Flair

    Just a short post: I won – finally! Rather than re-posting the whole answer I’ll provide a link to it: Link. I won’t be claiming the book, because I have rather bad experiences with the Romanian postal service, but it’s nice to be recognized. Two ideas which came after I submitted my answer: It is…

  • Online certifications are worth the paper they are written on

    In my younger years I’ve joined Brainbech and did a few tests on it (during the different promotion periods when they were available for free). However I quickly discovered that these certifications have exactly the value of the paper they are written on (eg zero), because: Any relatively seasoned IT pro can pass them, based…

  • Setting up laptops

    I’ve had to setup a laptop, and I thought I share the methods which I used to secure it, so that others can inspire themselves from it (to improve security of their mobile platforms) and/or tell me how I’m wrong 🙂 The general assumption of these steps is that the data on the laptop is…

  • You And I

    I lose control because of you babe. I lose control when you look at me like this. Theres something in your eyes that is saying tonight. I’m not a child anymore, life has opened the door To a new exciting life. Scorpions – You and I (PS. Hope this falls under fair use and they…

  • Which password?

    A little note about mounting Truecrypt volumes: When you issue a command like this: sudo truecrypt [truecrypt volume] [where to mount it] You will be greated with the following prompts: Password: [your password to elevate privileges] Enter password for ‘[truecrypt-volume]’: [the password to the truecrypt volume] Now in hindsight it’s clear which password goes where,…

  • I can be wrong too 🙂

    As Forest Gump said: Shit happens, and the best you can do is to admit that you were in error and to post in the forum where you previously posted the erroneous message to make sure that people who would possibly be mislead have a better chance at finding it. The situation: I’ve commented on…

  • Using with NoScript

    A couple of months ago I was complaining about the fact that blog comments are usually one-off fire and forget, you can’t really have a discussion (compared to forums) because usually you don’t have a way to notify users about new comments. That’s when fellow blogger kurt wismer from the anti-virus rants blog came to…

  • Creating optimal queries for databases

    Although I’m a big PostgreSQL supporter, I started out as a MySQL user and still use MySQL daily, so I listen to the OurSQL podcast. In the latest episode (number 22) the topic was Things To Avoid With MySQL Queries. While I picked up a few tips from it (and most of the things mentioned…

  • Hack the Gibson #94, #95 and #96

    Read the reason for these posts. Read Steve Gibson’s response. I’ve talked a lot about authentication in two recent blog postings (Getting ahead of the curve and Two channel authentication with the followup Two channel authentication – part tow), so I won’t really cover episode #94 in detail. Now for episode #95, OpenID One of…

  • Hack the Gibson #93

    Read the reason for these posts. Read Steve Gibson’s response. An other Security Now! episode, an other SpinRite story without mentioning backups. There are few explanations for this, none of which shed a very good light on Mr. Gibson: (a) he doesn’t care, (b) the flaws SpinRite repairs are not at all serious, so with…