eDirectHost review
eDirectHost is one of the many companies which offer websites for people who don’t want to get bogged down in technical details. The particular niche eDirectHost focuses on is ecommerce web design. In particular, they offer many features specific to such sites like: coupons, support for different payment providers, etc. Two other positive aspects are…
Unshortifying Cisco “Go” links
Inspired by a post on the PacketLife.net blog – Cisco "Go" links reference in the wiki – I tried to mine the short links to come up with the “definitive” list, but after running it for a couple of days, it only managed to find 473 links, compared to the 4720 Google estimates it has…
ImpulseAdventure – JPEGsnoop – JPEG Decoding Utility Posted: 17 Mar 2010 02:15 AM PDT
Parsing pcap files with Perl
Recently I was reading the blogpost on the BrekingPoint labs log about parsing pcap files with Perl and I immediately said to myself: it is impossible that there isn’t a module on CPAN, because Perl is great. Turns out I was right, there is Net::TcpDumpLog which can be combined with the NetPacket family of modules…
Spammy Mike
While most of the time I simply skip / delete any malicious content encountered, from time to time I do some quick investigation on items which peak my interest. For example the following comment was posted on a friends blog: You make a good point, and it is one I often make about encryption. There…
Fixing a dead Asus WL-500g
A short story with a happy ending: my Asus WL-500g locked up and it wasn’t starting, even after I hard-reset it (removed the power and plugged it back in). All the LEDs were constantly on (normally, when you plug in the power, they should light up for a second or so and the turn off).…
Mushroom Life Posted: 05 Mar 2010 02:01 AM PST Disk Space Fan – Manage disk space with art Posted: 05 Mar 2010 01:59 AM PST What do you suggest? Posted: 07 Mar 2010 10:14 AM PST Automatic updates for linux servers – Web and dedicated hosting tutorials by Anchor Posted: 10 Mar 2010 12:12 AM…
Computing the last digit of b^e efficiently
Geek PSA: Yesterday was PI day (3.14, get it?). Lets celebrate with this spiked math comic: Last week I saw the following problem which peaked my interest: Compute the last (decimal) digit of 2 raised to the power e where e might be very large. We assume that we are talking about positive, integer exponents…
In praise of Regexp::Assemble
…and of the Perl modules in general. I had the following problem: Given a list of 16 character alphanumeric IDs, find all the lines from a large-ish (~6GB) logfile which contain at least one of the IDs. The naive approach was to construct a big regular expression like W(QID1E|QID2E|QID3E…)W and match it against every line…
Funny pictures post 🙂
About DRM (this is floating around the interwebs, I’m not entirely sure about its origin): The second one is from a webcomic (added to my reader :-)) which I discovered via Bruce Schneier’s blog: And finally, for all the programmers out there (found it via The Reinvigorated Programmer’s blog):