Category: disassembly

  • Taking apart the Dell Inspiron 9400

    A word of caution: taking apart your laptop will void your warranty. Do this operation at your own risk. If you are not comfortable doing this operation, I would recommend against it. Disassembling a laptop is harder than taking apart a desktop computer (mostly because of the confined space), so you shouldn’t do it if…

  • Detecting the Metasploit encryptors in one hour and 49 lines of Python

    I’ve seen a lot of blogpostings lately which proclaim that Metasploit payloads encrypted with one of the available encryptors and written into an executable file are somewhat “magically” capable of bypassing AV software (these posts usually contain a couple of VirusTotal links to demonstrate the point). The main scenario considered (from what I gather) is…

  • To pack or not to pack?

    After listening to an other great CyberSpeak podcast, I decided to line up the pros and cons of executable packing for programmers. First of all, what is executable packing? In short it is similar to self-extracting archives, where as a result of the process an executable is generated which contains some unpacking code and the…