Twitter hacked
It had to happen, didn’t it? I’ve fired up Pidgin with the microblog-purple plugin, only to get an “invalid certificate” error for twitter. I’ve quickly became nervous, since a quick digging indicated that I was getting the wrong IP address for the domain twitter.com. My first thought was: “I’ve been compromised”. After quickly verifying my…
Panda Challenge
I know that it is kind of short notice, but I too have only found about it recently: the Panda Challenge (from Panda Security). It begins tomorrow (on the 7th of July) at 10 AM GMT+1 and consists of three rounds. Picture taken from Joachim’s photostream with permission.
Hackish method to include custom content into CruiseControl
Disclaimer: I’m a CruiseControl newbie, so there might well be a much better / simpler / cleaner method to achieve this. However this is the way I managed to get it working. Write your (Perl) script and make it output something like this: <testsuite tests="0" name="summary" failures="0"><system-out> foo bar </system-out></testsuite> Make your script run during…
Getting full contents for partial feeds
In my opinion partial feeds are not feeds. While I understand the need to get pageviews, I don’t like it. My time is valuable and I don’t want to hop between Google Reader and other browser windows to read the content. Disclaimer: this method might or might not be a violation of some laws, TOS,…
GHDB mirror
Seeing that the GHDB (Google Hacking DataBase) might soon disappear (the site was offline for weeks recently for example), I grabbed a mirror of it and put it up on a free hosting website (no, not that one) – enjoy it while it lasts: the main page a link to each individual entry – this…
Hardware hacks are cool but dangereous
Via H_I_R’s bookmarks I found the following post: Make use of your old PS/2 ports. The blog is currently down. Coincidence?
The idea of the post was to take your unused PS/2 ports and use them as a power source to charge your mobile phone, which would otherwise support charging through USB. The idea…
Subscribing to a members-only SMF forum via RSS
This is one of those bug or feature? cases. I’m member of an online forum which uses Simple Machine Forum (or SMF for short. This is a members only forum, meaning that if you are not a member (or not logged in) you see a very little subset of the forum. Now I would like…
“Remote” turn-off switch
And now for something completely different: a hardware hack. Warning! Don’t attempt this at home unless you have at least some experience with electricity! Also, applying this hack directly on consumer electronics will most probably void the warranty! The problem: having a 2.1 (yes, I know, lame, real people use at least 5.1 :-)) speaker…