Category: html

  • Internet Explorer + Frames = Headache

    So lets say you have the following HTML snippet: <html> <frameset rows="20,*" border="0" frameborder="no"> <frame name="menu" src="menu_frame.html" scrolling="no" noresize="1"> <frame name="work_frame" src=""> </frameset> </html> First of all you would say: but frames are so 1998! And you would be right. Frames are outmoded, deprecated and a usability nightmare (because you can’t bookmark the exact state…

  • Favicon for blogger

    Being inspired by a post over at I added a favicon to my blog. The original image came from MouseRunner. Given the fact that I use FireFox since a long, long time I’m entitled to use this given image :). A word of advice: always check out the license for the image! There are…