Author: gpanther

  • Job offer from Nokia

    Some time back I was looking around in the job marked and, amongst other possibilities, I checked out Nokia. This meant that I got added to their mailing list (voluntarily). Today I received the following mail from them: When creating your profile at Nokia’s Career Site, you requested to be notified of job openings. The…

  • Moving to an always connected world

    I was browsing through some of the PDC reporting, when this announced feature of Windows 7 caught my eye; DirectAccess. It’s supposed to be a VPN which you don’t have to set up, it just magically works. Really? I didn’t know that VPN’s were so hard to set up. My personal experience is with managing…

  • Thinformation

    Most of us in the tech world know this feeling: you see an article about something you are specialized in and you discover a lot of things which is wrong with it. In the better case these are just details which are wrong. In the worse case the entire conclusion might be wrong. The further…

  • Surface mounted electronics

    I’ve landed on the Surface Mount Soldering 101 and my first thought was: this is really cool, I need to tell a friend of mine who as an ASUS WL-500gP wireless router and experienced some problems with the receiving part of it (he wanted to use the router as a repeater).

  • Playing tricks with the Windows PE Loader

    For every software there is a specification and there is the implementation. Specifications are rarely exhaustive, thus there remain the corner cases which the developer handles based on her/his believes. As long as the handling methods don’t introduce vulnerabilities, one can say that this doesn’t make any difference. The situation becomes much more interesting when…

  • Mixed links

    Seen on Slashdot: Alarm Raised On Teenage Hackers – my view on it: these kids shown the challenge to be on the defender’s side. IMHO most of them do this because they want to feel special. Showing them that attacking a system is pretty easy compared with defending it could win the over… This has…

  • Tag cloud

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  • No stress Perl

    What I like about Perl is that it is “turtles all the way down” (almost). You go in with the perl debugger (or something visual like ptkdb) and step through almost all the code and understand how it is done. See for example this post about “magically” turning on strict/warnings from a module. In the…

  • Mixed links

    From scriptnode comes: Multiline Strings in JavaScript. Interesting. From Think Vitamin comes: Reduce Your Business Costs With Free Stuff. Good list in the spirit of my Things you can get for free post (and much more comprehensive).

  • EH Challenge solution

    The solution to the Ethical Hacker challenge “It happened one Friday” has been posted. Read the full story behind the challenge or go directly to the solution. This is awesome! Remember that a new EH challenge is in full swing for your entertainment :-).