Winners of the 7th malware analisys quiz
The 7th malware analisys quiz has announced the winner and (surprisingly) they picked my description :D. You can read my submission (warning, PDF). I would also encourage you to read the other three submissions which made to the top, since they all contain useful information (like a pointer to the software made by Winalysis) if…
Linux tips
I am and will be very short of time for a couple of weeks, so most probably these will be the last posts for the month. If you’ve read and followed my advice on re-creating the swap partition after failed hibernation, there is one caveat I discovered: after recreating, the swap partition is not automatically…
Don’t claim that you have a revolutionary technology…
Unless you have done your research. I was listening to the latest CyberSpeak podcast yesterday (a very nice podcast by the way) and I heard the guy (Chad McMillan) who was being interviewed talking about a revolutionary new technology for identifying packed executables by signature which he will be presenting at BlackHat. I wonder how…
Perl, Windows and File Locking
For some Perl scripts you want to make sure that only one instance of it is running at the same time. So you use lockfiles, in a way like this: open(LockFile, “>$lock_file”) or die(“Failed to lock file $lock_file, error: $^E”); flock(LockFile, LOCK_EX) or die(“Failed to lock file $lock_file”); The idea being that the OS guarantees…
Excite-d about spam
Not really. Yahoo does a pretty good job of filtering out spam. From time to time however I check my spam box to see if some newsletter or password notification got lost there (these are the two types of e-mails I found that are most often erroneously tagged as spam by Yahoo). And yesterday I…
Mixed links and commentary
Fresh from the web: The latest version of the Uninformed magazine is out. Although it contains only three articles, two of them are definitely worth reading if you are interested in reverse engineering. Google Webmaster Central. If you have problems with your site being (or not being) indexed by Google, take a look here. The…
On javascript libraries
I did a little project for school which included the dojo.gfx library. Here are share some of the conclusions I arrived at. But first a disclaimer: INAJD (I’m Not A Javascript Developer). I dabble with it but I’m not a professional. Now back to our topic: Javascript libraries are huge. After including the dojo toolkit,…
A childhood memory
Something very interesting happened: I remembered that I used to watch (and love) an animated television series called Voltron. But the punchline is how I remembered it: by reading an article on A List Apart about web standards. Incredible, isn’t it?
Hack the Gibson #73 & #74
Well, don’t hack it. Actually the last two episodes of Security Now! were very insightful and as far as I know without major mistakes. The interview with Peter Gutmann is very interesting and if you have time you should read the original paper: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection. My opinion about it?…
Hacker challenge over
The Christmas (Hacking) Story challenge is over and unfortunately I didn’t win :), so I publish my response: What is interesting about the files that Ralphie could see on the lamp server? nc is most probably netcat (http://netcat.sourceforge.net/), the “network swiss army knife” (the fact that it’s executable, as can be seen from the directory…