Category: open source

  • My opinion about Microsoft, software piracy and everything

    This post is a response to a blogpost on tudor g’s blog about software piracy issues in Romania, and as such it might not be of interest to you, dear international reader. If this is the case, feel free to skip this post. Disclaimer: arguments are very emotional things. As much as we would like…

  • Webhoneypot

    In the last couple of months I’ve been helping out with the webhoneypot project.  From the Google code website: is offering this honeypot for users to capture automated web application exploits. It is a very simple "semi interactive" honeypot implemented in PHP. The core idea is the following: you install it on a webserver…

  • Pidgin (Gaim) needs your support!

    The author of the free, open-source multi-protocol IM client Pidgin (formerly known as Gaim – OS X users might know it at Adium) have put up a survey. From the announcement: 2008 has been a slightly unusual year for the Pidgin chat client. Improvements were made, but the biggest news was caused by unhappy users.…

  • Sending authenticated mail with Net::SMTP

    As I’ve said earlier, one thing about open source is that you can fix fairly easily. In Perl this is especially easy, since it is turtles all the way down – many of the libraries are written in pure Perl, meaning that you can step through them with the Perl debugger. This helped me recently…

  • Implementing Web Services with Open Source Software

    Today many services are available (both internal and external to a company) as Web Services, more specifically as SOAP. Companies like Microsoft, IBM or Sun have heavily invested in this field and made many of their products compatible with it (as a client and/or as a server). In this article I will study the different…

  • An other nice looking utility

    Here is an other utility that looks great: HT Editor. Editor / Hex Editor / Disassembler / Assembler. I’ll take it for a spin and get back to you with the results.

  • The perfect solution?

    I’ve been experimenting with different collaboration solutions, and I think I may just have found the one: Socialtext. What I really like: It is open source (just click the for developers link) It is free (if you don’t want the support) It is written in Perl It has an API for manipulating the pages (I…